Spring Break will be here before you know it and the ACWL-Nuveen wants to make sure you have options for not only learning and creating but also preventing boredom! Sponsored by Seaver’s Lawn Service, these multi-day classes are only $10! To sign up for any of these classes, visit www.artswhitelake.org/springbreakartcamps or call the ACWL-Nuveen at
(231) 893-2524.
Hand Puppets
Tuesday, April 5
11:00am - 12:00pm
Ages 6-9
Taught by Sarajane Fellini
Have fun learning how to make simple hand puppets from a variety of scrap fabrics, beads, buttons, sequins, and other bling. Ideas for design could include favorite cartoon or super- hero characters or family pets. Using a box, each student will craft a simple stage for their puppets.
Balance in Art
Tuesday, April 5
1:00 - 4:30pm
Ages 11-15
Taught by Marvin Bolthouse
Balance in Art is one of the basic principles of design. Balance refers to how the elements of art relate to each other within a composition. That is, ensuring that one side of the composition does not seem heavier than the other. Students will learn to define balance in art, identify four different types of balance, and create a work of art that achieves balance. There will be a break halfway through class - students are encouraged to bring a snack!
Paint Like Monet
Wednesday, April 6
1:00 - 2:30pm
Ages 8-12
Taught by Sarajane Fellini
French Impressionist painter Claude Monet is famous for painting the elaborate pond, Japanese bridge, water lilies, and gardens of his home, Giverny. His Water Lily paintings are painted in a loose gestural style, capturing the essence of water, light, and movement. In this class students will learn about Monet and his famous gardens and use watercolor to create their own unique images of a bridge and water with colorful floating reflections.
Clay Beads
Wednesday, April 6
3:00 - 4:30pm
Ages 8-15
Taught by Casey Bemis
Using polymer clay, students will learn basic sculpting and color-mixing techniques to create their own beads. Students will need to leave their finished beads at the ACWL-Nuveen to be cooked, so beads will be need to picked up later in the week.
Drawing Animals
Thursday, April 7
1:00 - 4:30pm
Ages 12-17
Taught by Laurel Geis
Learn techniques for drawing animals and improve your drawing skills! Choose your favorite animals and render them in graphite or colored pencil. We will learn tips and techniques specific to drawing animals as well as general drawing skills. You will create finished drawings complete with shape, dimension and texture, and build your drawing confidence. There will be a break halfway through class - students are encouraged to bring a snack!