Over the last few months, the ACWL-Nuveen Board of Directors has welcomed four new board members. These four multi-generational White Lake area residents bring a variety of experiences and talents to the ACWL-Nuveen and include the addition of two new high school student board members. Read on to learn more about each of these wonderful volunteers!
Alison Chen
Alison Chen is a Senior at Whitehall High School with a passion for theater and creating award-winning presentations for National History Day. As a member of Whitehall High School's National Honor Society, she chose to volunteer at the ACWL-Nuveen and now serves on the Board of Directors. She really enjoys cheerfully and enthusiastically lending a hand at the ACWL-Nuveen.
Alison Chen Chris Jones Ashlynn Kafka Holly VanderPlaats
Christopher Jones
Chris Jones was first introduced to the arts in the White Lake area through productions at the Playhouse at White Lake. He has explored the arts through a diverse range of disciplines and has a strong background in non-profit and retail. Chris enjoys taking classes through the ACWL-Nuveen, learning new creative skills, and sharing his knowledge with others.
Ashlynn Kafka
Ashlynn is currently a Freshman at Whitehall High School. She signed up to volunteer at the ACWL-Nuveen in the summer of 2021 and decided to serve on the ACWL-Nuveen board because she wanted to continue to help out and participate in activities at the center. Ashlynn exhibited some of her first paintings at the ACWL-Nuveen (and won an award) so she has found it to be a great place to volunteer and continue to learn and grow as an artist.
Holly VanderPlaats
Holly is a former social worker who spent her clinical and administrative career in mental health and substance abuse agencies in Grand Rapids. She and her husband moved to Montague in 2009. In retirement, she has been involved as a volunteer in a number of church and community activities. She is excited to join the ACWL-Nuveen Board in its efforts to bring art to all those living in the White Lake area. She enjoys reading, boating, and bridge.