Join us for our September First Friday event: 4" x 4" Fundraiser! Throughout the summer, ACWL-Nuveen Artist Members, staff, volunteers, and friends decorated over 70, 4"x4" wood tiles with garden theme designs to create one large - 2' x 4' mosaic panel for the community-wide public art project at the Lakeshore Art Festival. The ACWL-Nuveen panel was one of 13 panels on display during the LAF. Following the festival, the mosaic panel returned to the ACWL-Nuveen and has been on display in the gallery. As of September 3, all tiles will officially be for sale!
All of the tiles will be priced at $20 each and can be purchased as of 5:00pm on Friday, September 3. Tiles will be sold on a first-come, first-serve basis, so we encourage you to stop by the ACWL-Nuveen before the fundraiser to scope out the tiles and decide which ones you'd like to buy! All proceeds will go towards reviving the ACWL-Nuveen K-12 Art Education Scholarship Program, which will provide funding for fine art instruction for school-age children in the White Lake area. Because this is a fundraiser no membership discounts will apply.