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Fall into the Arts: Wrap Up

Updated: Nov 8, 2019

The Arts Council of White Lake - Nuveen Center (ACWL-Nuveen) hosted the annual Fall into the Arts Youth Exhibit - October 15 - November 9. This year’s theme was The Four Freedoms and featured over 50 students from seven local schools.

The Four Freedoms were introduced to the nation as goals for humanity by Franklin D. Roosevelt in his 1941 State of the Union address. They include: freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom from want, and freedom from fear. Beloved American artist Norman Rockwell later created a renowned series of paintings depicting these ideals in 1943.

The ACWL-Nuveen hosted a reception for the student artists and their families on Saturday, October 26. Community members from the White Lake area and Muskegon were delighted by the thoughtful depictions of the Four Freedoms by the local students. Donations were collected for each of the individual schools and cookies, punch, and conversation were enjoyed by all!

We would like to once again thank our generous sponsors for this year’s Fall into the Arts Exhibition Reception:

Jane Hanna

Craig & Deb Harris

Dr. Joseph Ferguson, D.D.S.

Mylan’s Waterfront Grille

Pappy’s Pad

Bone Ends

We are looking forward to next year’s Fall into the Arts Exhibit opening in November. We are moving the exhibition back a month to give our amazing local art teachers and students more time to create!


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