Local art programs are invited to participate in this year's Fall Into the Arts education fundraising exhibit at the Arts Council of White Lake-Nuveen Center. This year the exhibit will feature artwork inspired by the theme – Color Creativity.
The exhibit will open on Friday, November 5 with a public reception on Saturday, November 6 from 1:00-3:00pm. Each school will have a bucket situated by their display allowing for donations from the public. All funds raised will be made available to teachers at the close of the exhibit. We will once again allow online donations this year - the link will be made public prior to the exhibition reception.
Nina Oliver Hailey Bos Sova Jones
If you know a local K-12 art teacher, please share the following information with them!
Submission Details:
- Each school may submit enough student artwork to fill a space approximately 5’ by 7’, with appropriate space between pieces. The art teacher will choose the artwork for display. Artwork can be 2-D or 3-D and created in any medium. We also welcome short videos, which can be submitted via email or a flash drive.
- It is MANDATORY that you have proper hanging devices installed on 2D artwork!!! Secure wire works best – saw tooth hangers are ok but they do not hang level on our hanging system. We will have pedestals and tables for those items that do not hang. If you would like assistance preparing artwork please contact us, we are happy to help trouble-shoot.
- Drop off dates for artwork: Oct. 26 – Oct. 29 between 11:00am – 5:00pm
- Registration: Please email nuveen@artswhitelake.org for the registration form and return with artwork. The registration form will allow us to create accurate tags. Feel free to submit this form via email as this reduces spelling errors!
- Exhibit Hours: The artwork will be displayed November 5 – December 4, 2021. The
ACWL-Nuveen is open Tuesday-Friday 11:00 - 5:30 p.m. & Saturday 11:00 – 3:00pm
- Reception: will take place Saturday Nov 6 from 1:00 – 3:00pm. We will follow State mandates for COVID-19 safety.
- Pick-up Artwork: The artwork will be available for pick-up Dec. 7 – 11th between
11:00am and 5:00pm
The FITA theme, Color Creativity, was selected as a prompt for students to think of the many ways that color inspires them. Color is a fundamental element in artwork. Whether it is bold and vibrant or subdued and monochromatic it is essential to the artist’s expression. We are excited to provide an exhibition space for community youth to showcase their creative ideas and talent to the broader public!
If you have any questions, please call (231) 893-2524 or email ACWL-Nuveen Director Erin Peyer at nuveen@artswhitelake.org.