Longevity is a beautiful thing. We love it when our daffodils bloom until June, when our dependable old car turns over another thousand miles without a hiccup, and when a favorite outfit hangs in our closet long enough to come back in style!
There’s another kind of longevity that is especially meaningful. Did you know that you can make plans to provide support--after your passing--for the classes and community events hosted by the Arts Council of White Lake--Nuveen Center that you enjoy now?
Here’s how it works:
Step one: Decide you want to leave a gift of your choice that the Arts Council will receive after your passing. It can be shares of stock or personal property, a percentage of your estate or a specific amount. You can even name the Arts Council as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy. An attorney or estate planner can help you make arrangements. By planning to leave a gift to the Arts Council, you help assure that the arts continue to thrive in this community even when you are no longer here to champion the arts in person.
Step two: When you’ve made arrangements, contact the Arts Council to let us know. A gift of any size is welcome, and we don’t want to know the specific plans you’ve made. But we do want to honor and celebrate your commitment to the longevity of the arts here in White Lake by making you a member of the Arts Council of White Lake’s Legacy Circle.
That’s it! It’s easy, important, and lasting. And it feels great! Your gift will have a positive impact on adults and children–your family, friends, and neighbors--in this community for years to come. And that’s a very special legacy.
Questions? Call us at 231-893-2524. Find out how easy it is to love the arts…forever!