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Pet Painting: Photo Suggestions

Examples of bad photos

bad pet photos (5).png

Avoid photos with people in them (this is a Pet Painting after all!) and lots of things in the background or foreground (unless you WANT to paint them-if you do, please let us know. Otherwise the instructor will likely not transfer them to the canvas).

Avoid small, blurry photos. One way to test the quality of your photo: zoom in on the photo to see how it looks 'blown up'. This is what will happen when the photo gets transferred to the canvas. If your photo gets really blurry when it's enlarged, try a different one!

Examples of good photos

Examples of good photos

good pet phtos (3).png

Headshots are great - either straight on or at an angle. Look for clear photos with easy-to-see details. 

The canvas BEFORE painting

Untitled design (1).png

A finished pet painting

finished pet painting.png
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