The Arts Council of White Lake-Nuveen Center is the PERFECT place to shop for unique, affordable handmade holiday gifts! The ACWL-Nuveen showcases over 50 local artists in our gallery who create fabulous jewelry, ceramics, painting, prints, knitwear, woodworking, and more. To help you out, we've put together a visual sampler of some of the gift items we sell, most of which are under $35. Stop in during gallery hours to see even more artwork and check off every name on your holiday shopping list! We are open Tuesday-Friday, 1:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. and Saturday from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
ACWL-Nuveen Gift Card
If you can't find the perfect gift, let THEM decide! ACWL-Nuveen Gift Cards can be used for both gallery purchases and class registration fees.
Peg Lepo Siol Simply Lulabells Cara O'Brien
Carleigh Turbergen Lynn Cotter Kanda Parrott ACWL-Nuveen Chris Rogers
Steve Wright Susan Wink Chester Winowiecki Peter Johnson
Maribeth Morby Tina Ramthun Susan Brookstra Suzanne Moynihan
Linda Lamoreaux Jane Feutz Cara O'Brien
For the Kids
Betty Loeprich Simply Lulabells ACWL-Nuveen Painting Kit
Winter Wear
Tina Ramthun JRags & Bags Marilyn Ryan
Michigan-Themed Gifts
Missy Morrow Simply Lulabells Peg Lepo Mary Jo Ernst