In April of 2023, the ACWL-Nuveen Board of Directors, staff members, and other volunteers met for a brainstorm session led by Susan Newhof. The purpose of this meeting was to dream big about all the ACWL-Nuveen could offer to the White Lake area and beyond. After this initial meeting, a list of ideas for the future was created and then posted at the ACWL-Nuveen and shared online. Residents and visitors were asked to indicate which goals they thought the ACWL-Nuveen should pursue and to add any additional ideas that had been overlooked.
Brainstorm session, April 2023 The initial list of goals and dreams posted at the ACWL-Nuveen
The hard work of taking all of these big ideas and using them to impact change commenced in the fall of 2023. Again with the help of Susan Newhof, ACWL-Nuveen staff and Building the Future committee members met multiple times to develop a brand new strategic plan. The group began by stating four broad organizational goals that would last well beyond the next three years. Then, they set six specific goals for 2024-2027:
Increase and expand the variety of all programming, including programs for individuals with disabilities and families
Develop collaborative relationships within the community and foster collaboration within our organization
Evaluate our physical footprint (building, art walk) and determine our needs
Continue to develop scholarship opportunities
Optimize fundraising opportunities
Engage with and listen to community members of all ages and explore ways to meet their needs
When it came to determining HOW exactly these goals would be achieved, the idea to structure the plan around all of the active ACWL-Nuveen volunteer committees made the most sense. Committee chairs were invited to further planning sessions and encouraged to share the six goals with their committee members. From there, specific ways for each committee to assist in achieving the 2024-2027 goals were determined.
Formatting the new strategic plan in a way that was accessible to all who might read it was another challenge. Luckily, ACWL-Nuveen Marketing & Events Coordinator Ian Martin was up to the task! Each active committee of the ACWL-Nuveen is represented with specific steps they will take to achieve each of the six goals for 2024-2027. The color-coded goals for each committee correspond to the 2024-2027 goal of that same color.
You can see the strategic plan in its entirety here or on the ACWL-Nuveen website at any time!